March 15, 2022

March 15, 2022, marks a momentous occasion for CC&L Private Capital: the 25th anniversary of our firm, founded in 1997.
Our vision was to give private clients access to the discipline and talent afforded to the institutional pension clients our progenitor firm has been managing since 1982. CC&L Private Capital has weathered many notable events, including the dot-com boom, the Great Financial Crisis and most recently, the COVID-19 pandemic. Each circumstance presented unique challenges, but by working closely with our clients and counselling them to stick to their considered long-term financial plans—coupled with our innovative investment platform that has evolved over time—together we successfully overcame each situation.
Today, our clients have access to our broad, pension-grade investment platform. It complements traditional global stocks and bonds with alternative assets, such as private loans, real estate, infrastructure, hedge funds and private equity. We have also strengthened our client experience, delivered by more than 40 investment professionals countrywide, supported by a growing team dedicated to advancing all business areas. On top of this, CC&L Private Capital is part of CC&L Financial Group, which has grown in parallel over these decades. It provides our clients with a strong backbone of 11 affiliated investment teams managing approximately $105 billion in assets.
At the end of 2021, our assets have grown to $14 billion and over 3,200 families, Indigenous communities, not-for-profits and charitable foundations trust us to steward their wealth with confidence. Most importantly, we have never wavered on implementing our conditions for success: putting our clients' interests first, attracting and retaining top talent, and protecting and nurturing our entrepreneurial corporate culture. These same guiding principles will serve us well into the future.
Rudy Kerklaan, Vice Chairman and one of the founders of CC&L Private Capital, said, “I’m proud of the diversity of our clients, which has expanded over the past 25 years. In addition to individuals and families, we are pleased to help not-for-profit organizations and indigenous communities across the country who are looking for excellence in investment management and service.
“We hugely value the trust our clients show in us. Over the past quarter-century, we have witnessed many market cycles, and each time we have rewarded our clients’ trust by sticking to our values as we steward their wealth.”
If you have questions about how we can help you achieve your long-term financial goals, please contact one of our dedicated investment professionals or contact us.